Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Times in the life of B!

Right now I love life. Its a pretty exciting time. I am in school, which is a nice change from sitting on the couch twiddling my thumbs! I am in classes with a bunch of 18yr olds due to my switch my major once again. I laugh everyday, they are the funniest kids! I feel so bad for them a lot too. They tell me their problems and they are so small to me because I've been there and saw the outcome but they are so big to them now. I try to volunteer my words of wisdom, however I am like none other and I roll with life a bit differently. That's school!

Work is so much fun! I love people so waiting tables it a blast. The people I work with are a riot too. Its hard to explain our work relationships to people who have never worked in a restaurant but to those of you who do, you understand!

I don't really have friend problems anymore. We are all older from when I first started this blog and have grown out of the grudge holding phase. I do have one problem, its dumb really, but how can you convince the person otherwise. I can't, once they have an idea in their head, its all over. To make a long story short, my bestest friend thinks I'm in love with him because I pick little fights with him. I get it though. They do seem like "lover's quirls" as he calls them. However, in my defense I just think its funny to get a rise out of him. He does the same to me. I think if he had a problem with it, he should have been an adult (gotten balls) and confronted me in a matter that wasn't "you can't talk to me for a while." "you need to leave me a lone until I'm ready to talk to you." I can't deal with that. Yeah it hurt for a split second but do I really want to spend life worrying if I'm going to offend him and we wont be friends anymore or for awhile or whatever. I can't and will not do that. I really saw that day that our friendship means a pile of beans to him. That's okay though. It was a big learning experience. Don't give all you have to those who will take all you have and leave you in the dust. Lesson learned.

Well, that was a bigger rant than I wanted it to be. I guess I just had to get it out. I do feel better.

I feel so accomplished right now, and I love it. I am doing good on staying up with my homework, and testing is good except for one class. Things are just peachy! I am always surrounded by people who love me for me and it feels great. I just can't help but wonder if this is the calm before the storm. haha. I studied Anna from the Bible last night and she is amazing. She waited on God for 80 something years for His promise to see Jesus. If she can wait 80 years for something, we can all slow down in this fast paced world and wait on God.

Well, I'm gonna leave work now. I love that we have wifi here!

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